Winter brings its own host of problems when it comes to garage doors. The key to keep it running smoothly is to understand that – most of these “winter problems” are only a by-product of lower temperatures and moisture in the air. It’s much better and easier and cost-effective to prevent these problems much before they occur. So let’s see how you can do just that –
- Keep it clean
Make sure you shovel away any dust, debris, ice, or snow at the bottom of your garage door. It can not only freeze your door close, but also false activate the censors and prevent the door from closing completely. A much better practice is to keep your door open while you shovel and make sure everything – as in rollers, tracks, pulleys, locks, etc. – is clean and dry.
- Apply a Solvent on regular basis:
Due to higher moisture levels and lower temperatures, dust and ice become more likely to accumulate and penetrate into door mechanism and on the tracks. Making it harder for the door to work properly. Make sure you order a spray solvent that is designed to keep the tracks clean and apply it on a regular basis – as recommended on the manual or required.
- Lubricate Pulleys
It’s a common mistake to apply the grease and lubricants on the roller and track only while neglecting the pulleys whatsoever.
The pulleys are the usually semi-enclosed through a casing, which can get clogged easily and cause the fixing-cost to skyrocket in no time. Lubricating your pulleys is the only way to make sure they keep working properly. So make sure you apply a quality lubricant on a regular basis.
- Wipe and Brush Everything Clean
Grease based lubricants usually get thick and clogging in cold temperatures. You need to get rid of these as early as possible. And the best way to go about is to dip a washcloth or rag in a solvent-based material and use it to wipe out the roller tracks, etc.
- Apply a Silicone Based Lubricant
Unlike grease and other old school lubrication methods, silicone-based lubricants do not get thick or clogged due to temperature fluctuations. These may cost a little more compared to normal alternatives. But applying a silicone-based lubricant will keep your garage door running smoothly for the year around. It’s much economical to invest into one of these. Especially in the long run.
- Bonus tip –
Keep another set of batteries handy and clean the magic eye on the motor on a regular basis. More often than not –these are the culprits when you press the remote and nothing happens. If it still doesn’t work, try to open the door manually to make sure the problem lies with the controller, and then call in a professional.
Do remember that prevention is better than cure. Undertaking the above steps when no information has occurred can keep you safe from wasting a lot of money and time on repair and professional maintenance. Enjoy the winters.